Dazzle your guests with a gorgeous red velvet cake with butter roux frosting. Known by many as Waldorf Astoria cake, it’s the butter roux or ermine frosting that sets this cake apart from the more commonly known cream cheese version.
In the top pan of a double boiler, combine the flour and milk and whisk until smooth. Cook over boiling water, stirring frequently until the mixture is thick and custard-like. Cover immediately with plastic wrap, pushing the wrap down to cover the top layer of the mixture to prevent a top film from forming. Let cool completely.
While the cakes are cooling, begin to make the butter roux frosting. Make sure the roux is completely cooled. In a large stand mixer bowl, cream the softened butter for 4 minutes on medium speed. Add the sugar and beat for 4 minutes on medium speed. Add the milk mixture and vanilla and beat for 4 minutes on medium speed. Refrigerate until you are ready to ice the cake